The PBF CoP, along with a group of academic institutions, is organising a workshop on the health system effects of PBF. The workshop will take place in Dar es Salaam from the 24th-26th November 2015. In this blog, we present you with an overview of the three day programme and some practical information.
As you know, the PBF CoP along with a group of academic institutions (the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the Ifakara Health Institute, the Chr Michelsen Institute and the Institute of Tropical Medicine) is organising a workshop on the health system effects of PBF. The workshop is clearly timely, as we received around 40 abstract submissions. The abstracts were generally of high quality and well aligned to the workshop objectives. The organisers have now completed the review and selection process. If you submitted an abstract, you should have by now received an email informing you as to whether or not your abstract was successful and you have been invited to give an oral presentation at the workshop. You can access the workshop programme here.
Three day workshop
The workshop will take place over three days. The venue will be the White Sands Hotel, which is about a 45 minute drive from the Dar-e-Salam airport. On the first day, we will review the Tanzania experience with a pilot P4P programme and plans for the roll out of PBF in the country, we will also debate the effects of PBF on quality of care and discuss the scalability of PBF. On the second day, we will focus on implementation challenges, review the effects of PBF on health workers, and broader system level effects. We will end the day with an open session for all those of interested in further extending our CoP in East Africa. On the last day, participants will have the choice of participating in discussions relating to the methods of measuring and evaluating the effects of PBF on the health system, particularly the effects on quality of care and health worker motivation, as well as causal pathways; or going on a field visit of facilities participating in the Pwani P4P pilot programme. We will all meet again together at the end of day three to take stock of the day and the workshop as a whole.
How to apply?
We know that many of you are interested in attending this event. Very soon, we will be able to provide you with more information on the number of remaining places available. This information will be shared in our online discussion forum. Priority will be given to experts based in the East African region or those with research or operational activities in this region. Warning, there will be very limited time to register. We will close registrations once the quota is reached! Please note that it will be up to you to secure funding for your participation in the workshop. Count airfare, hotel nights (count USD 150 / night if you are staying at the conference hotel) and a conference fee of about $ 50 per day (including lunch, refreshments and venue hire).
Well, now you have the program and all the practical information to help you decide whether you should participate in this workshop. See you in Tanzania?