Throughout the month of September, CoP members were invited to “release their creative spirit” and propose scenarios to “draw Universal Health Coverage” in their respective countries. This contest aimed to generate scenarios that a professional cartoonist would then sketch, based on the best ideas coming from CoP members on UHC and learning organizations.
How the contest unfurled
Using their own experience for inspiration, and sometimes brainstorming in groups, experts and CoP members spent a good month creating humorous scenarios around UHC. The results were impressive, and the contest generated significant interest in the world of global health. More than 50 proposals were received – gags coming from across the world (Africa, North America, Europe, in English and in French). You often made us laugh!
Choosing the winners
At the close of the contest, an international jury was set up to select the best scenarios to submit to the cartoonist. The jury, composed of 6 experts (1) involved with the CoPs and familiar with the concepts of both UHC and of learning organizations, reviewed all the proposals received and attributed a score to each scenario.
There were several criteria taken into account in the scoring system for scenarios, including the pertinence of the challenge/problem described (can many countries relate?), the links made between UHC and learning systems, humor (!), and the quality and feasibility of the drawing (can it be turned into an effective cartoon?).
The proposals with the highest scores were retained and submitted to the cartoonist for his own evaluation. He has selected those he is most inspired to draw – we’ve left the last word to the artist. As you’ll soon see, the selected scenarios speak to many common challenges faced by countries trying to move toward UHC (coverage inequality among citizens, financing fragmentation, weak implementation learning, UHC policies that don’t match up with population needs)…
What’s next?
All participants selected by the jury will receive a token of appreciation for their participation.The scenarios Glez selects to draw will be disseminated widely internationally, through scientific publications, blogs, CoP platforms, and social media. We feel sure they will elicit a lot of interest, which we plan to build on to put these crucial implementation challenges squarely on the international agenda.
In the very near future, the winning scenarios will also be included as part of UHC Day, being organized by the School of Public Health at the University of Montreal (Canada). In collaboration with the Global Health students from the University of Montreal, the cartoons will be displayed as posters from December 7-11, 2015 as part of the exposition hall.
We thank you again for your participation! Stay tuned for the results coming soon…
(1) The jury included:Nadège Adé (facilitator of the Health System Planning and Budgeting CoP); Yamba Kafando (co-facilitator of the Financial Access to Health Services CoP); Allison Kelley (Senior facilitator of the Financial Access to Health Services CoP); Bruno Meessen (Professor at the Institute of Tropical Medicine-Antwerp); Valéry Ridde (Professor at the University of Montreal); Sophie Witter (Health Economist, Professor at the Institute for International Health and Development, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh).