As you know by now, we are moving towards a new organizational model for the Communities of Practice: this will involve more collaborative projects, distribution of facilitation tasks and more opportunities for experts. Among the opportunities that will be available to you, some will draw upon your technical expertise (health financing, implementation, research ...), other activities will call upon skills that don’t belong to your core expertise or even on things you enjoy doing in your spare time or just as a hobby. In this blog, we announce our intention to set up pools of translators.
Since their inception, CoP blogs have been written (and/or translated) in French and English, as much as possible. This model is quite demanding for the facilitators, and has to change. The change, once more, will happen by you, dear readers and experts of the CoPs. In short, we are looking for translators.
An original and lasting solution: the creation of two "translation poles" open to experts
Some of you clearly have great translation skills. We want to find a way to capitalize on these skills, as the HHA CoPs need them.
Given the rate of publication on our sites, translation requests are fairly regular. Therefore, to optimize the process, we will now set up two dedicated "poles". Members of these poles will divide the work amongst themselves.
Why two separate groups?
Generally speaking, if you translate from a foreign language into your native language, the result is better. So a pole will be created consisting of English speaking people, who will have to translate from French into English, but also a pole of Francophone people in charge of translating texts from English into French.
Who can apply for these groups?
Well, anyone who wants to get involved in the activities of CoPs and has strong skills in French and English, is welcome.
What’s in it for you, if you participate in translation activities?
Unlike for “project manager” positions, this (translation) work will not be paid. However, we do see a number of potential benefits for participants, beyond being helpful to the group.
- By contributing regularly to translation tasks, both quantitatively and qualitatively, you will be able to boost your "CoP CV" as this this will be an activity that you can valorize. The translation "label" will be a signal to an employer or potential partner that not only are you involved in the community, but also that you have excellent language skills.
- You will gain visibility, both internally and outside the HHA CoPs, as the name of the translator will from now on explicitly be mentioned.
- A small reward for the most involved contributors is planned (but this system will take some time to put in place).
If you are a member of one of these poles ... will this commitment not be (too) binding ?
That’s not the goal! It's all about collaborative work, so the workload will be distributed in a smart way between members and participants. Thus, everyone can contribute in line with his/her skills, but also according to the time one can dedicate. Becoming a member of this cluster will not oblige you (yet) to a certain quantitative amount of work and/or commitment. However, if you promise to translate a document or part of a document, you will be asked to respect your commitment and produce the translation in due time. The number of hours one spends on a task will depend on the availability of each member of the pool. The aim is to have in these poles enough experts to carry out all the work required, without it becoming a constraint on individuals.
A (paid) position of "project manager" will soon be opened to supervise each of the two groups. It is likely that he/she will be selected among those who have demonstrated their talents and commitment to this project.
Project Form : Click here